Our approach
Gynecomastia evaluation
Types of gynecomastia

Gynecomastia can present in various stages, each reflecting a different progression of breast tissue development in men, which can significantly affect self-confidence and psychological well-being.
Each stage of gynecomastia requires careful evaluation and a personalized approach by Dr. Arbour.
Our goal is to ensure that every man treated for gynecomastia can regain confidence in his body appearance.
Grade 1 : Initiale
At first, gynecomastia can be difficult to identify, as the early signs are often subtle. Men may experience discomfort or noticeable anxiety at the first signs, which can lead them to avoid situations where their chest would be exposed, such as at the beach or in locker rooms. Some men may even deny the presence of the issue and try to conceal it by wearing loose clothing or intensifying their physical training, hoping to reduce the appearance of their chest.
Grade 2 : Moderate
At this stage, the development of breast tissue becomes more evident, potentially giving the appearance of feminine breasts. This progression can not only influence the person’s body image but also lead to increased sensitivity and swelling of the nipples, making the wearing of certain clothes uncomfortable.
Grade 3 : Severe
In the most severe cases, the accumulation of breast tissue and chest fat is noticeable and may even develop asymmetrically. This stage may require a more complex intervention to restore a more masculine appearance to the chest, as non-surgical methods such as weight loss and exercise are insufficient to reverse the changes.
Comfort and quick recovery
Our approach
Contact Clinimedspa today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Arbour and discover how we can help you regain confidence in your body image.

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Questions about gynecomastia